Thursday, December 3, 2009

What is the possiblity of me making my college basketball team?

I have a skinny, almost 5-11, type of body. My passing skills are great, shooting is improving, dribble is suspect. My hustle is great though, will dive for loose balls and not afraid of big fellas. I go to a CUNY (City University of New York). What are my chances?

What is the possiblity of me making mycollegebasketball team?soccer

Never never never never ever give up.

What is the possiblity of me making mycollegebasketball team?celtics ,nba teams

yeah dude it sounds like ud be ok. if ure really skinny though just make sure u work on like ure core and legs. as long as u always practice hard, i think ure chances are good.

best of luck man :)
well did u ball in hs...were u good...if ur as good as u say u are u should make it u might not be a star long as u hustle ur bustle u will b fine...good luck
u got some good chances try working on your shots alittle more and get a bit bigger if your skinny.

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