Thursday, December 3, 2009

How can I get to play basketball in college?

Ok here is the deal, all throught my high school career I only played basketball in my freshman year. I know that I'm better than most of the players on the varsity team, and they are pretty good. But when i tried out for varsity both junior and senior year I was cut. Now I'm at the end of my high school life and about to move on to college. My mom says that I should go to a JC for two years and transfer out, but others that have seen me play say that I should go to a university. The problem is that since I didn't play varsity I can't get a scholarship. Can anybody help me with this problem? I would really like it if acollegecoach told me what to do since they are the ones that really do know.

How can I get to play basketball in college?nba draft

Get on an AAU team. If not contact your local JC's coach and see what you can do. The best case scenario is to go to a JC and than have a chance at transferring out while getting an education.

How can I get to play basketball in college?ncaa ,nba teams

My son (when he graduated from High School) had a hard time getting an athletic scholarship and he was one of the top players in our state (voted on by the coaches). He won every award his last couple of years of High School and it was still difficult because he was only 5' 11". If you're as good as you say, they would have put you on the team. No coach is going to turn down a good player. They want to win! There are nocollegecoaches on here answering questions; they're out recruiting High School players right now. If I'm wrong and I realize I could be, then go to a Junior College and try out for the team. If you're good enough, they'll put you on the team.
go see the JC athletics dept.
well usually, you would have to be recruited to play in college, or at least make the try outs if they have any
see the athletics dept.
You just aren't good enough. Don't say you are better but didn't make the team because that makes no sense it's just an excuse cuz you are not as good as the other kids. The varsity coaches look for the most talent, and the best players, and you are not one of them.
Most likely, you're not going to be playing for a D-1 or D-11 school. Even great high schoolers don't get scholarships. But if you really want to play in college, contact the athletics department at either a D-111, NAIC, or JC to see what it takes to participate with their team.
If u really r good u would not have been cut.but if u r good and ur coach just didnt like u then u should go to a jc for a year then transfer to a university.
Honestly you are not good enough. If you did not make the Varsity team junior or senior year then there is no chance. I know you probably think there is some kind of conspiracy against you and thats why you didn't make the team, but no coach would cut one of his best players. Most players who get scholarships played varsity since they were a sophomore or even freshman (or if you're O.J. Mayo 7th grade). So if you didn't even make the team as a really don't have a realistic view of how good you are.
JC's a good option because it'll be slightly less competititive so you can have more time to refine your skills so that when you transfer you can look better in front of varsity coaches. Another thing you can do is go tocollegeor university and just try out for the team as a walk-on. Many of today's pros playedcollegeball first as walk-ons, so if you really feel that you're good enough, you can give that a try.
You should go to a juniorcollegeand get your playing time there.

While you can try to walk on at a University, if you're competing against scholarship athletes, chances are you won't get much playing time even if you're just as talented as they are. It's kind of like the NBA where they will play the guys with the big contract for a couple years over the guy with the one year deal. In college, you don't have time to wait the year or two for them to leave.

Go to a juniorcollegewhere you have a better chance to get a good amount of playing time. If you're as good as you say you are, you could be one of the top players on your JUCO team and then transfer to a university.

But you really have to do your homework and check out the schools you are interested in. If you're serious about going straight to the university, contact the athletic departments at the schools, make a tape of yourself playing ball. You really have to market yourself to see if there is any interest. Since you don't have a resume of high school experience and/or stats, you have to do other things.

Bottom line is, if you have the talent, you can make it somewhere, somehow. But you have to showcase it.
i would say go to a jc cuz if u didnt play on varsity no one will know who u r or how much talent u have

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